Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - smoke

No one really knows who built the Academy. It’s been here as long as anyone can remember. Some say it used to be the private residence of a rich recluse, or that it was built to conceal the entrance to a dark underworld. Of course, those are just rumours. But one thing is true–almost everyone has a story about something strange that happened at the Academy. These are just a few.

Origin Stories

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

1. The day the garden died

A story of Her vileness

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

2. The story of the tenacious mutt

The making of mastermind

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

3. The disappearing professor!

The making of doc toxin

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

4. Sisterly love

Jewel vs doctor deceit

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

5. Mind Games

Sven vs the director & webmaster

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

6. Augusta's Story

Augusta VS Lolly Gag

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

7. Keats’ Story

Keats vs the Ambassador

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

8. Emira’s Story

Emira vs kid vicious

Shadows of the Academy | The Stories Behind the Game - Story 1

9. Jun & Jia’s Story

Jun & Jia Vs Morphos